Give someone who has faith in you a placebo and call it a hair growing pill, anti-nausea pill or whatever, and you will be amazed at how many respond to your therapy.

Bernie Siegel
Some Similar Quotes
  1. I have seen the best of you, and the worst of you, and I choose both. - Sarah Kay

  2. You are beautiful like demolition. Just the thought of you draws my knuckles white. I don’t need a god. I have you and your beautiful mouth, your hands holding onto me, the nails leaving unfelt wounds, your hot breath on my neck. <span style="margin:15px; display:block"></span>The... - Henry Rollins

  3. You've got to have someone who loves your body. Who doesn't define you, but sees you. Who loves what he sees. Who you don't have to struggle to be good enough for. - Deb Caletti

  4. You stay safe, You love. You survive. You laugh and cry and struggle and sometimes you fail and sometimes you succeed. You Push. - Carrie Ryan

  5. Once you figure out who you are and what you love about yourself, I think it all kind of falls into place. - Jennifer Aniston

More Quotes By Bernie Siegel
  1. If God came in and said "I want you to be happy for the rest of your life " what would you do?

  2. If you watch how nature deals with adversity continually renewing itself you can't help but learn.

  3. Diseases can be our spiritual flat tires - disruptions in our lives that seem to be disasters at the time but end by redirecting our lives in a meaningful way.

  4. Feelings aroused by the touch of someone's hand, the sound of music, the smell of a flower, a beautiful sunset, a work of art, love, laughter, hope and faith - all work on both the unconscious and the conscious aspects of the self, and they...

  5. What I try to get physically healthy people to understand is that they're going to die someday. There is no way out. And dying isn't failure, but not living is, so make use of your time. Don't keeping waiting.

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